Benefits to Dock Communications for Your Business
Importance of Loading Dock Safety
Dock communications are such an important part of your loading dock safety system. They are critical to keep your employees, and bystanders safe in one of the most dangerous areas of your business. An effective dock communication system will be clear and concise, allowing for simple and easy communication between the truck driver and loading dock personnel. Most dock communication systems feature both a red and green bright light as well as a sign that easily reads from both straight on and through a mirror “Enter on green only”.
What Other Benefits do Dock Communication Systems have for your Businesses?
Provides Clear, Simple, Efficient, and Effective Communication
This is crucial in the world of loading dock safety. Communication between the loading dock staff and truck drivers needs to be as clear as possible in order to avoid any accidents or damages. Because the red and green lights are fairly universal signs for stop and go, it easily allows the line of contact to be both efficient and effective to get the most amount of work done in the shortest amount of time. With clear contact both the loading dock employees and truck drivers can do their jobs quickly and smoothly.

Dock Communication Increases Loading Dock Safety and Productivity
Just to reiterate the point above, dock communication systems allow teams to work more safely and be more productive. Universally understood signs help to make sure that there is no miscommunication between any truck driver wanting to unload and the staff ready to receive the product. With unclear and miscommunication come accidents and inefficient processes.
Reduces Potential Damage to Trucks and Loading Dock Equipment
Keeping costs low as a company is important, and everyone knows that damaged equipment and items costs money. As a business move it’s smart to invest in safety features such as dock communication systems in order to save you money long term by reducing any potential damages that might occur to trucks, loading dock equipment, and more!
As a business, it is important to keep your employees and everyone that comes onto your property safe, especially in an area with such high traffic like a loading dock. Safety measures such as dock communication systems can help your business achieve this with the least amount of supervision necessary. Keeping employees safe not only keeps your business safe but it also will help your company save money in the long haul.
We here at Speed-Tech Equipment are proud to carry the Nordock DOK-COM communication system to help your business improve both loading dock safety and efficiency at your loading docks.
The Nordock DOK-COM communication system is able to increase loading dock safety and create an easier way for truck drivers and loading dock attendants to efficiently communicate. NORDOCK also makes other important equipment for loading dock safety, if you have any questions on what you should be looking for, contact us and we would be happy to answer any questions.
Standard Operation
Additional Options
Each system features red and green LED lights for optimum visuals, easy to see and understand visual signage, sun visors on the lights to prevent glare for users, and simple installation process.
Before loading a truck, dock personnel check that the wheels are chocked then flip a switch on the inside light. The outside light will immediately turn from green to red and alternately the inside light will turn from red to green. After loading is complete the lights are switched back to red inside and green outside allowing the truck to leave the dock.
The DOK-COM also offers additional options such as photo eye or limit switch mounted on door or leveler for automatic light control, control panel with dock leveler and door interlocks with operator load function for leveler and inside green light control, and full logi-smart integrated panels to control communication lights.
If you are interested in getting more information about getting a DOK-COM dock communications system from Speed-Tech Equipment or looking for more info on Loading Dock Safety, contact us today! Our staff is happy to help you in any way that we can.